The vineyard
I have come into my garden,
my sister, my bride;
I have gathered my myrrh with my spice.
I have eaten my honeycomb and my honey;
I have drunk my wine and my milk.Song of Solomon 5:1
The grapevine is an ancient cultural growth which hasn’t really survived the cold here in the north. Several trials have been made when the climate has, at times, been warmer. In the greenhouse the grapevine usually does produce grapes. New varieties (Labruscanagrape) have however made it possible to grow grapes, without the need for a greenhouse, on sheltered, sunny sites.
n May 2019 we planted the first row of 4 vines in the vineyard. The varieties were Zilga and Somerset Seedless. After one season we planted another row. We planted 4 vines from Blomqvist plantskola in 2020 and the varieties were Svenson Red and Lakemont complemented with Adalmina and Siegerrebe. We planted the hybrid grapevine Jubileinaja novgoroda next to the blackberries on its own. We now have 11 grapevines in total and now we are just waiting for them to get bigger and produce grapes. We are thinking about the possibilities of starting to brew our own wine from the red Zilga and the sweet white Somerset Seedless is great with salads and desserts. We can even use the leaves for dolma, something I am looking forward to making.